6 09 2011


Google +1 | Increase ability to be Found | Yelp

16 08 2011

Now that you know social media’s Google Plus is an excellent way to increase your ability to being found, did you realize that your local search ranking has increased as well? That’s correct! When you post on Google Plus, especially from your mobile device, you’re geo-targeted and have the option to link your location to a post. What does that mean for you? Well, are you listed on Yelp or any other local search directory? Google now interjects its position within that arena as well.

What Is Yelp?

Image representing Yelp as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

If you’re not on Yelp, you might wish to list your business and give it a test drive. Yelp began as a platform separate from, but accompanying, the Yellow Pages by means of being a localized review site. Back then, Jeremy Stoppelman, CEO and co-founder of Yelp, realized people thought the larger the ad in the Yellow Pages, the bigger the business. Thus, the more reputable that business was… or was it? Those Internet Marketers, who think Yelp was created to complain about restaurants, get a grip! Yo

u don’t acquire millions of dollars for a startup o

nly to complain about restaurant service. Especially when a restaurant’s life expectancy is less than 5 years, if lucky. In short, Yelp was created to rate local businesses based on customer opinion, nationally.

Yelp, The Name

As for the name Yelp, a coworker (David Galbraith) to Jeremy, liked the word. There was no other reason for the name; it just so happens that it was a contraction of the Yellow Pages. In fact Jeremy hated the word, because when spoken, sounded like the noise a kicked dog makes.

How Does Yelp Work?

If you build a reputation, through your own business reviews or through commenting on others, your ranking in Yelp increases. As some marketers find that to be unacceptable, it’s exactly how every social media account operates. The louder your scream, the more attention you get! I read one review about Yelp, and the marketer was amazed that other businesses ranked higher. The issue was, that marketer only had one review from a year ago, and it was from a friend not a client. Hum, why were they upset?

Quality, Not Quantity

As I’ve stated time-and-time again in every article pertaining to this issue… QUALITY AND NOT QUALTITY! Let’s take a step back, IS search engine optimization the answer to being found, ranking, local search, feedback, comments, or most important, making money? NO! You must engage authentically and with all your efforts. When you’re in the perfect ranked position, you can’t stop. The reason; there is always someone on your heals waiting for the right moment to pull you down.

Where Does Google Plus Fit In?

So why is this all so important? Google Plus has raised the bar by being directly intertwined with all the tools used by SEO’ers. A strong social media marketing strategy, and an even stronger social media engagement schedule, is necessary and key to starting off successfully.

Google Plus is Not The Answer

Google Plus is not the new answer, it takes the average person at least six months to a year to assimilate, and then accommodate new surroundings. Where is your business in relation to social media? The work involved in building a strategy requires a Facebook Page, engage with Twitter and LinkedIn followers, create a YouTube channel, and now Google Plus account. Maintaining and monitoring your account is difficult enough, and being a Social Media Strategist and Inbound Marketer, I’m lucky to have a team that cares for and nurtures those engagements.

Questions to ask before beginning your own Social Media program:

  • Who are my customers?
  • Where do my customers spend time?AB2BC.Net Website Design Consultation
  • Do I have the time to engage?
  • Are there bad reviews about my company I need to attend to?
  • Are the tools to analyze my efforts available to me?

Secret Tip!

Here’s a tip! Understand and engage with those who are loyal, allow them to spread the word about you, then engage with those who don’t know you, and bring everyone together in one circle to communicate. It’s a rough road, a time investment, and an understanding of human behavior (your customers). Create a strategy, a plan, a program, whatever you wish to call it, simply do it! If you build it, they will come…